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In Nomine Hekate

A while back, I was asked by a close friend of mine to help come up with a daily devotional to Hekate for her.

About 14.8 million years ago, a large meteorite crashed in what is known today as the Czech Republic. The impact was estimated to be 6 trillion megatons, which is stronger than all the atomic bombs currently on earth combined. Believe it or not, this is strong enough to vaporize rock, and that is what is theorized to have happened.









Deity As A River

Deity tends to be one of the most mysterious things in my experience. My relationship and views on deity constantly change. Sometimes people ask me if I’m a monist, a dualist, a soft polytheist (seeing all godforms as the same divinity) or a hard polytheist (seeing all the godforms as individual and distinct). Sometimes I ask myself this. The answer always turns out to be “yes”. The gods themselves are a paradox. One of the things that has always intrigued me is the evolution of a god. We see throughout ancient history that gods often evolve, are conflated or synthesized with others and absorb attributes of others.