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NWTS 2022 (the Northwest Tarot Symposium) Recap – Benebell Wen

I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote at the Northwest Tarot Symposium and meeting many great folks including fellow keynote presenter Benebell Wen. She did a fantastic recap of the whole event and said some really nice things that made me blush:

“Mat Auryn is someone whose work I have been really interested in as of late. The depth and breadth of his command over topics in both Western witchcraft and ceremonial magic have caused a lot of my occult-scholarly friends to sit up and pay attention. What’s more, his writings always remain accessible.

Mat is consistently proactive about being inclusive, and thoughtful, and most important of all, kind. I know his name is already on your radar, but I’m just reinforcing your positive first impression to let you know he’s definitely one to keep watching. If you haven’t already, check out his book reviews and deck reviews.

But back to NWTS. A thoughtful insight I loved from Mat’s keynote is the intention setting prior to readings for querents. One he shared with us: “I receive what they need to know, no more, no less.” Another great quote from him: “Do the work to be able to do the work.”

It was pretty epic that Mastering Magick launched on October 8, the Saturday of NWTS. I’ve started reading this book and so far it’s shaping up to be a really important text. Wouldn’t be shocked one bit if it ended up iconic of our era. Stay tuned for my book review! ❤

Read her full recap on her site here: https://benebellwen.com/2022/10/10/nwts-2022-the-northwest-tarot-symposium-recap/
