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Errata: Mastering Magick

It has come to my attention that there’s a minor error in Mastering Magick, that made it into the audiobook version as well. For Exercise 39: Moon and Moth Dust Scrying Potion the book says “15 mL (1/2 oz.) glass bottle with dropper top.” This is incorrect. The correct amount should be a “120 mL (4 oz.) glass bottle with dropper top.”

I’ve written my publisher to make sure that future printings of the book have this error corrected. However, since it’s already on it’s fourth printing, it will only appear in the fifth printing and onwards. I suppose we can consider the first four printing errors collector’s editions or something. Ha! Sorry about this folks. During the editing process I had Covid, and while we seem to have caught every mistake before it went to print, this one slipped through the cracks.

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