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Emergency Resources

Doing tarot readings can sometimes surface issues that are way out of your league and people are sometimes more willing to tell a tarot reader stuff they wouldn’t tell anyone else. Being a tarot reader isn’t a free pass to play therapist, lawyer, or doctor. You also don’t want to be that reader who ends up in legal trouble because they overstepped their boundaries. Keep a list of hotlines or websites handy, so when the conversation takes a serious turn, you can point people in the right direction. In many cases you may be saving a life by doing so. Here are some resources for just that:

Animal Abuse


United States: ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center – 1-888-426-4435

United Kingdom: RSPCA – 0300 1234 999

Canada: Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada – 1-877-203-3824

Australia: RSPCA Australia – 1300 278 3589

India: PETA India – +91-22-4072 7382

Germany: Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V. – 0228 604960

France: Fondation 30 Millions d’Amis – 0 800 10 09 21

Japan: Japan Animal Welfare Society – +81-3-5449-6911

Brazil: Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animal – +55 11 3567-0692

ASPCAwww.aspca.org: Provides resources for reporting animal abuse in the United States.

RSPCAwww.rspca.org.uk: Allows for reporting cruelty or sick/injured animals in the United Kingdom.

Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada – awfc.ca: Focuses on the well-being of animals in Canada.

RSPCA Australiawww.rspca.org.au: Offers animal cruelty reporting and educational materials in Australia.

PETA Indiawww.petaindia.com: Addresses animal welfare issues including abuse in India.

Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V.www.tierschutzbund.de: German animal protection agency focusing on animal rights.

Fondation 30 Millions d’Amiswww.30millionsdamis.fr: French foundation dedicated to animal protection.

Japan Animal Welfare Societywww.jaws.or.jp: Provides resources for animal welfare in Japan.

Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animalwww.forumanimal.org: A Brazilian non-profit focused on animal welfare.


Child Abuse

United States: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline – 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)

United Kingdom: NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Canada: Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868

Australia: Child Wise National Child Abuse Helpline – 1800 99 10 99

India: Childline – 1098

Germany: Nummer gegen Kummer – 116 111

France: Allô Enfance en Danger – 119

Japan: Tokyo Child Abuse Prevention Center – +81-3-5777-0990

Brazil: Disque Direitos Humanos – Dial 100 and select the appropriate service

Childhelpwww.childhelp.org: Provides a range of resources including crisis intervention, emergency shelters, and legal advocacy in the United States.

NSPCCwww.nspcc.org.uk: Offers various services, including counseling and educational programs, to prevent child abuse in the UK.

Kids Help Phonewww.kidshelpphone.ca: Provides confidential counseling and information service for children and young people in Canada.

Child Wisewww.childwise.org.au: Australian organization dedicated to the prevention and reduction of child abuse and exploitation.

Childline India Foundationwww.childlineindia.org.in: Offers a toll-free helpline for children in need of care and protection across India.

Nummer gegen Kummerwww.nummergegenkummer.de: German helpline offering consultations for children and parents.

Enfance et Partagewww.enfance-et-partage.org: French organization defending children’s rights and offering support for abused or endangered children.

Child Guidance Center for the Welfare of Childrenwww.jcgc.or.jp: Provides support and counseling services for children and parents in Japan.

Childhood Brasilwww.childhood.org.br: Works to combat sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents in Brazil.



United States: STOMP Out Bullying HelpChat Line – 1-877-602-8559

United Kingdom: Bullying UK – 0808 800 2222

Canada: Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868

Australia: eSafety Commissioner – 1800 880 176

India: RAINN – +91 22 2772 6771/74

Germany: Nummer gegen Kummer – 116 111

France: Net Ecoute – 0 800 200 000

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – +81 3-5774-0992

Brazil: SaferNet – Dial 100

STOMP Out Bullyingwww.stompoutbullying.org: Provides educational resources and a chat support service for victims in the United States.

Bullying UKwww.bullying.co.uk: Offers a helpline and online support in the United Kingdom.

Kids Help Phonewww.kidshelpphone.ca: Provides various ways for children and teens to get help in Canada.

eSafety Commissionerwww.esafety.gov.au: Australian Government website that offers a wide range of resources for dealing with online abuse.

RAINN Indiawww.rainnindia.org: Offers support for various types of online harassment in India.

Nummer gegen Kummerwww.nummergegenkummer.de: Provides a hotline for children and parents in Germany.

Net Ecoutewww.netecoute.fr: Offers a hotline and chat service to discuss problems related to internet usage, including cyberbullying, in France.

Tokyo Mental Healthwww.tokyomentalhealth.com: Provides English-language mental health services in Japan, including issues related to cyberbullying.

SaferNet Brasilwww.safernet.org.br: Provides resources and a hotline for dealing with cyberbullying and online safety in Brazil.


Domestic Violence Resources

United States: National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

United Kingdom: National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247

Canada: Assaulted Women’s Helpline – 1-866-863-0511

Australia: 1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732

India: Women’s Helpline – 1091 or 181

Germany: Hilfetelefon – 08000 116 016

France: Violences Sexuelles au Travail – 0 806 909 110

Japan: All Japan Women’s Shelter Net – +81 (0)50 3786 7614

Brazil: Central de Atendimento à Mulher – Ligue 180

The Hotlinewww.thehotline.org: Provides support, crisis intervention information, educational services, and referral services in the United States.

Refugewww.refuge.org.uk: Offers advice and support for women experiencing domestic violence in the UK.

DAWN (Direct Action for Women Now)www.dawnhouse.org: Canadian site offering shelter services and resources.

White Ribbon Australiawww.whiteribbon.org.au: Provides resources and support for those dealing with domestic violence in Australia.

SNEHIwww.snehi.org: Offers psycho-social support to children and women in India.

Frauenhauskoordinierungwww.frauenhauskoordinierung.de: German portal offering safe houses and counseling services.

Solidarité Femmeswww.solidaritefemmes.org: French site offering support and resources.

DV Support Center Japanwww.dv-sck.com: Provides support for domestic violence survivors in Japan.

Mapa do Acolhimentowww.mapadoacolhimento.org: Brazilian site connecting survivors to psychologists and lawyers.


Eating Disorders

United States: National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) – 1-800-931-2237

United Kingdom: BEAT – 0808 801 0677

Canada: National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) – 1-866-633-4220

Australia: The Butterfly Foundation – 1800 334 673

India: Vandrevala Foundation – +91 730 459 9836

Germany: ANAD E.V. – 089 219 973 0

France: Anorexie Boulimie Ensemble (ABE) – 06 42 16 90 13

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – +81 3-5774-0992

Brazil: ABP Transtornos Alimentares – (11) 3135-5050

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)www.nationaleatingdisorders.org: Provides extensive resources, including screenings and recovery options, in the United States.

BEATwww.beateatingdisorders.org.uk: Offers helplines, online support, and a network of UK-wide self-help groups.

NEDICwww.nedic.ca: Provides information on treatment options and local support groups in Canada.

The Butterfly Foundationwww.thebutterflyfoundation.org.au: Offers online support and various resources for eating disorders in Australia.

Vandrevala Foundationwww.vandrevalafoundation.com: Provides psychological support and counseling services in India.

ANAD E.V.www.anad.de: German organization that offers consultations, therapy placement, and other resources.

Anorexie Boulimie Ensemble (ABE)www.abensemble.org: Provides telephone consultations, articles, and community support in France.

Tokyo Mental Healthwww.tokyomentalhealth.com: Offers English-language mental health services, including for eating disorders, in Japan.

ABP Transtornos Alimentareswww.abpbr.org.br: Focuses on education, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders in Brazil.


Elder Abuse

United States: National Center on Elder Abuse – 1-855-500-3537

United Kingdom: Age UK – 0800 678 1602

Canada: Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse – 1-800-563-5599

Australia: Elder Abuse Helpline – 1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374)

India: HelpAge India – 1800-180-1253

Germany: Weißer Ring e.V. – 116 006

France: ALMA – 0 977 196 098

Japan: Tokyo Metropolitan Silver Human Resource Center – +81-3-5770-0890

Brazil: Disque Direitos Humanos (Dial 100)

National Center on Elder Abuse – ncea.acl.gov: Provides multiple resources for combating elder abuse in the United States.

Age UKwww.ageuk.org.uk: Offers support and resources for seniors, including abuse prevention, in the United Kingdom.

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abusewww.cnpea.ca: Focuses on awareness, prevention, and community-building to tackle elder abuse in Canada.

Elder Abuse Prevention Unitwww.eapu.com.au: Australian resource that provides helpline services and educational resources.

HelpAge Indiawww.helpageindia.org: Works to improve the wellbeing of the elderly in India, including abuse prevention.

Weißer Ring e.V.www.weisser-ring.de: Provides victim support, including elder abuse, in Germany.

ALMAwww.alma-france.org: Focuses on the recognition and prevention of elder abuse in France.

Tokyo Metropolitan Silver Human Resource Centerwww.tokyo-silver.com: Provides various types of support for the elderly in Tokyo, Japan.

Disque Direitos Humanoswww.mdh.gov.br: Brazilian government site that provides a human rights hotline, including services for the elderly.


Gambling Addiction

United States: National Council on Problem Gambling – 1-800-522-4700

United Kingdom: GamCare – 0808 8020 133

Canada: Problem Gambling Helpline – 1-888-230-3505

Australia: Gambling Help Online – 1800 858 858

India: Roshni Trust – +91 40 6620 2000

Germany: Glücksspielsucht Hilfe – 0800 0776611

France: SOS Joueurs – 09 74 75 13 13

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – +81 3-5774-0992

Brazil: Jogadores Anônimos – 0800-200-1941

National Council on Problem Gamblingwww.ncpgambling.org: Offers a helpline and chat service in the United States.

GamCarewww.gamcare.org.uk: Provides counseling, advice, and information to those affected by gambling problems in the United Kingdom.

Problem Gambling Helplinewww.bcresponsiblegambling.ca: Offers resources and counseling options for Canadians.

Gambling Help Onlinewww.gamblinghelponline.org.au: Provides online chat and email support services for Australians.

Roshni Trustwww.roshnitrusthyd.org: Focuses on mental health issues, including gambling addiction, in India.

Glücksspielsucht Hilfewww.gluecksspielsucht.de: Provides multiple resources for gambling addiction in Germany.

SOS Joueurswww.sosjoueurs.org: Offers support and counseling for gambling addiction in France.

Tokyo Mental Healthwww.tokyomentalhealth.com: Provides English-language mental health services in Japan, including issues related to gambling.

Jogadores Anônimoswww.jogadoresanonimos.org.br: Brazilian website offering group support and resources for gambling addiction.


Grief and Loss

United States: GriefShare – 1-800-395-5755

United Kingdom: Cruse Bereavement Care – 0808 808 1677

Canada: Canadian Mental Health Association – 1-833-456-4566

Australia: GriefLine – 1300 845 745

India: Vandrevala Foundation – +91 1860 266 2344

Germany: Telefonseelsorge – 0800 111 0 111 / 0800 111 0 222

France: SOS Suicide – 01 45 39 40 00

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – +81 3-5774-0992

Brazil: CVV (Centro de Valorização da Vida) – 188

GriefSharewww.griefshare.org: Offers support groups across the United States.

Cruse Bereavement Carewww.cruse.org.uk: Provides support for people in the United Kingdom who are dealing with grief.

Canadian Mental Health Associationwww.cmha.ca: Provides resources and local chapters throughout Canada.

GriefLinewww.griefline.org.au: Provides counseling services and online resources for Australians.

Vandrevala Foundationwww.vandrevalafoundation.com: Offers mental health support, including grief counseling, in India.

Telefonseelsorgewww.telefonseelsorge.de: A German organization offering emotional support.

SOS Suicidewww.sos-suicide.org: Provides resources and hotlines related to emotional distress, including grief, in France.

Tokyo Mental Healthwww.tokyomentalhealth.com: Offers mental health services in Japan, including support for grief and loss.

CVVwww.cvv.org.br: Offers emotional support and prevention of suicide in Brazil, including support for grief and loss.


Homelessness and Runaway Support

United States: National Runaway Safeline – 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929)

United Kingdom: Centrepoint – 0808 800 0661

Canada: Covenant House – 1-800-999-9999

Australia: Youth Off The Streets – 02 9330 9600

India: Rasta – +91 98 1111 3139

Germany: Off Road Kids – 0800 919 0919

France: Enfants Disparus – 116 000

Japan: Moyai Support Centre for Independent Living – +81 3-3368-8855

Brazil: Programa Criança e Adolescente – Dial 100 and select the appropriate service

National Runaway Safelinewww.1800runaway.org: Provides confidential crisis intervention and local shelter resources in the United States.

Centrepointwww.centrepoint.org.uk: Offers accommodation, health support, and life skills to get homeless young people back into education, training, and employment in the UK.

Covenant Housewww.covenanthouse.org: Canadian resource offering housing and support services for homeless, runaway, and at-risk youth.

Youth Off The Streetswww.youthoffthestreets.com.au: Provides crisis accommodation, outreach and intervention services, and schooling options for disadvantaged young people in Australia.

iCallwww.icallhelpline.org: Offers free telephone and email-based counseling services across India.

Hilfe für junge Menschen in Notwww.offroadkids.de: Provides immediate help for street children and young homeless people in Germany.

Enfance et Partagewww.enfance-et-partage.org: French organization defending children’s rights and offering support for missing and exploited children.

Homeless Support Organization Japanwww.hsojapan.org: Offers consultations, outreach programs, and education for homelessness in Japan.

Instituto Fazendo Históriawww.fazendohistoria.org.br: A Brazilian website focusing on the rights and welfare of children and adolescents, including those who are homeless or runaways.


Human Trafficking

United States: National Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-888-373-7888

United Kingdom: Modern Slavery Helpline – 08000 121 700

Canada: Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-833-900-1010

Australia: Australian Federal Police – 131 237

India: CHILDLINE India Foundation – 1098

Germany: KOK Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis – 030 263 911 76

France: La Cimade – 01 44 18 60 50

Japan: Polaris Project Japan – 050-3496-7615

Brazil: Ligue 180 – Dial 180

Polariswww.polarisproject.org: Offers a range of services, including data-driven strategies and a hotline, in the United States.

Unseen UKwww.unseenuk.org: Works towards the abolition of slavery through helplines and survivor support in the United Kingdom.

Canadian Centre to End Human Traffickingwww.canadiancentretoendhumantrafficking.ca: Operates a confidential 24/7 hotline in Canada.

Australian Federal Policewww.afp.gov.au: Provides reporting options and resources for human trafficking issues in Australia.

CHILDLINE India Foundationwww.childlineindia.org.in: Provides a helpline for child-related issues, including trafficking, in India.

KOK Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreiswww.kok-gegen-menschenhandel.de: Focuses on the rights of trafficking victims and offers support services in Germany.

La Cimadewww.lacimade.org: Works to uphold the rights and dignity of migrants and refugees, including victims of trafficking, in France.

Polaris Project Japanwww.polarisproject.jp: Focuses on victim support and policy advocacy related to human trafficking in Japan.

Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulhereswww.gov.br/mdh: Brazilian government site offering information on women’s rights, including anti-trafficking resources.


Legal Aid and Consultation

United States: Legal Services Corporation – 1-202-295-1500

United Kingdom: Citizens Advice – 03444 111 444

Canada: Legal Aid Ontario – 1-800-668-8258

Australia: Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales – 1300 888 529

India: National Legal Services Authority – 15100

Germany: Weißer Ring – 116 006

France: Défenseur des droits – 09 69 39 00 00

Japan: Japan Legal Support Center – 0570-078-374

Brazil: Defensoria Pública – 129

Legal Services Corporationwww.lsc.gov: Provides civil legal aid for low-income Americans.

Citizens Advicewww.citizensadvice.org.uk: Offers free legal advice for residents in the United Kingdom.

Legal Aid Ontariowww.legalaid.on.ca: Provides legal aid services in Ontario, Canada.

Legal Aid Commission of New South Waleswww.legalaid.nsw.gov.au: Offers free legal services in New South Wales, Australia.

National Legal Services Authority – nalsa.gov.in: Provides free legal services in India.

Weißer Ringwww.weisser-ring.de: Offers victim support and legal aid in Germany.

Défenseur des droitswww.defenseurdesdroits.fr: French organization for rights protection and legal aid.

Japan Legal Support Centerwww.houterasu.or.jp: Provides comprehensive legal support services in Japan.

Defensoria Públicawww.defensoria.sp.def.br: Provides legal aid and representation in Brazil.


LGBTQ+ Support

United States: LGBTQ+ National Helpline – 1-888-843-4564

United States: The Trevor Project – 1-866-488-7386

United Kingdom: LGBTQ+ Helpline – 0345 3 30 30 30

Canada: LGBTQ+ Youthline – 1-800-268-9688

Australia: QLife – 1800 184 527

India: Sahaay – 1800-2000-113

Germany: LSVD-Beratungstelefon – 0221 925 96 160

France: SOS Homophobie – 01 45 21 30 30

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – 03-5774-0992

Brazil: Disque 100 – Dial 100 and select the appropriate service

GLAADwww.glaad.org: Advocates for LGBTQ+ equality in media representation and provides resources for allies.

The Trevor Projectwww.thetrevorproject.org: Specializes in crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ youth.

Stonewallwww.stonewall.org.uk: Aims for acceptance without exception for LGBTQ+ individuals in the UK.

The 519www.the519.org: A Canadian organization providing services and advocacy for LGBTQ+ communities.

Minus18www.minus18.org.au: Australian site focusing on youth LGBTQ+ issues.

Nazariya LGBT Resource Groupwww.nazariyaqfrg.wordpress.com: Offers resources, events, and legal support in India.

Queer Lexikonwww.queer-lexikon.net: A German site offering information, stories, and support.

Le Refugewww.le-refuge.org: Offers emergency shelter and support to LGBTQ+ youth in France.

Nijiiro Diversitywww.nijiirodiversity.jp: Japanese organization focusing on LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace.

Grupo Gay da Bahiawww.ggb.org.br: Brazilian organization promoting LGBTQ+ rights and providing resources.


Mental Health Resources

United States: SAMHSA Helpline – 1-800-662-4357

United Kingdom: Mind Infoline – 0300 123 3393

Canada: Canada Mental Health Helpline – 1-866-531-2600

Australia: Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

India: Roshni – +91 40 6620 2000

Germany: Telefonseelsorge – 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222

France: Fil Santé Jeunes – 0800 235 236

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – 03-5774-0992

Brazil: CVV Emotional Support – 188

Psych Centralwww.psychcentral.com: Offers mental health quizzes, personal stories, and an online community.

Mental Health Foundationwww.mentalhealth.org.uk: Provides a range of content around mental health issues, as well as ways to support yourself or others.

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)www.nami.org: Offers education, advocacy, and support for mental health.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)www.adaa.org: Focuses specifically on anxiety disorders and depression, offering resources and a therapist finder.

eMentalHealth.cawww.ementalhealth.ca: Canadian website offering information on mental health, as well as a directory of mental health services and organizations.


Parent Support

United States: Parents Anonymous – 1-855-4A-PARENT (1-855-427-2736)

United Kingdom: Family Lives – 0808 800 2222

Canada: Parent Help Line – 1-800-668-6868

Australia: Parent Line – 1300 30 1300

India: Vatsalya Helpline – +91 7666 555 000

Germany: Nummer gegen Kummer (Parents’ Telephone) – 0800 111 0 550

France: Allô Parents en Crise – 09 69 39 22 22

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – 03 5774 0992

Brazil: Canal Infanto-juvenil Protegido – 100

Parents Anonymouswww.parentsanonymous.org: Offers support groups and parent leadership training in the United States.

Family Liveswww.familylives.org.uk: Provides advice and support on all aspects of family life in the United Kingdom.

Parent Help Linewww.parenthelpline.ca: Canadian helpline offering support and resources for parents.

Parent Linewww.parentline.com.au: Australian helpline providing professional counselling and advice.

Vatsalya Helplinewww.vatsalya.org.in: Indian helpline that offers emotional support for parents.

Nummer gegen Kummerwww.nummergegenkummer.de: German helpline offering counselling for parents and children.

Allô Parents en Crisewww.alloparentsencrise.org: French hotline for emergency parent support.

Tokyo Mental Healthwww.tokyomentalhealth.com: Provides English-speaking support services for parents in Japan.

Canal Infanto-juvenil Protegidowww.canalinfantojuvenilprotegido.gov.br: Brazilian channel offering protection and advice for parents and youth.


Pregnancy and Abortion Support

United States: Planned Parenthood – 1-800-230-7526

United Kingdom: BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) – 03457 30 40 30

Canada: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights – 1-888-642-2725

Australia: Family Planning Alliance Australia – Various numbers per state

India: Family Planning Association of India – +91-22-2497 0502/2496 8393

Germany: pro familia – 0800 20 22 212

France: Le Planning Familial – 0 800 08 11 11

Japan: Japan Family Planning Association – +81-3-3234-7733

Brazil: CEDAP (Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa em Comportamento e Sexualidade) – +55 (71) 3322-0322

Planned Parenthoodwww.plannedparenthood.org: Comprehensive resource on reproductive health, including options for pregnancy and abortion in the United States.

BPASwww.bpas.org: Provides options and support for unplanned pregnancy in the United Kingdom.

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rightswww.actioncanadashr.org: Offers a range of reproductive health resources in Canada.

Family Planning Alliance Australiawww.fpahealth.org.au: Provides sexual and reproductive health services across Australia.

Family Planning Association of Indiawww.fpaindia.org: Offers a range of sexual and reproductive health services in India.

pro familiawww.profamilia.de: Provides sexual and reproductive health services in Germany.

Le Planning Familialwww.planning-familial.org: Offers a variety of reproductive health services, including pregnancy and abortion support, in France.

Japan Family Planning Associationwww.jfpa.or.jp: Provides sexual health support, including pregnancy and abortion information, in Japan.

CEDAPwww.cedap-ba.org.br: Offers sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion support, in Brazil.


Rape and Sexual Assault

United States: National Sexual Assault Hotline – 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

United Kingdom: Rape Crisis – 0808 802 9999

Canada: Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres – Contact varies by province, available at casac.ca

Australia: 1800RESPECT – 1800 737 732

India: Snehi – +91 22 2771 4099

Germany: Hilfetelefon – 0800 22 55 530

France: Viols en France – 0 800 05 95 95

Japan: Tokyo Rape Crisis Center – +81 3-5774-0995

Brazil: Central de Atendimento à Mulher – Ligue 180

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)www.rainn.org: Offers a hotline and real-time chat for survivors in the United States.

Rape Crisis England & Waleswww.rapecrisis.org.uk: Provides support and information for survivors in the United Kingdom.

Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)www.sassforwomen.ca: Canadian resource with a focus on empowerment and community involvement.

1800RESPECTwww.1800respect.org.au: Australian site offering phone and online counseling.

Sakshi Violence Intervention Centerwww.sakshingo.org: Offers legal, psychological, and other support services in India.

Frauen gegen Gewaltwww.frauengegengewalt.de: German website offering support for survivors of violence, including rape and sexual assault.

Viols en Francewww.violsurmineur.info: Provides support and legal information in France.

Tokyo Rape Crisis Centerwww.tokyo-rcc.org: Japanese site with a focus on crisis support.

Mapa do Acolhimentowww.mapadoacolhimento.org: Brazilian website that connects survivors to psychologists and lawyers.


Refugee and Immigration Assistance

United States: RAICES (The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) – 1-888-507-2970

United Kingdom: Refugee Council – 0808 196 7274

Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board – 1-866-787-7476

Australia: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre – +61 3 9326 6066

India: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative – +91-11-43180215

Germany: Pro Asyl – 069 242 314 20

France: France Terre d’Asile – 01 53 04 39 99

Japan: Japan Association for Refugees – +81-3-5379-6001

Brazil: Caritas Brasileira – +55 61 3521-1051

RAICESwww.raicestexas.org: Provides legal services for immigrants and refugees in the United States.

Refugee Councilwww.refugeecouncil.org.uk: Offers asylum support and services in the United Kingdom.

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canadawww.irb-cisr.gc.ca: Provides information and resources in Canada.

Asylum Seeker Resource Centrewww.asrc.org.au: Offers services ranging from legal aid to social programs in Australia.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiativewww.humanrightsinitiative.org: Focuses on human rights and legal protections for immigrants in India.

Pro Asylwww.proasyl.de: Provides asylum assistance and resources in Germany.

France Terre d’Asilewww.france-terre-asile.org: Offers guidance for asylum seekers and migrants in France.

Japan Association for Refugeeswww.refugee.or.jp: Provides resources and legal support for refugees in Japan.

Caritas Brasileirawww.caritas.org.br: Offers a range of social services for immigrants and refugees in Brazil.


STDS and Sexual Health

United States: CDC-INFO – 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)

United Kingdom: Sexual Health Line – 0300 123 7123

Canada: Sexual Health InfoLine Ontario – 1-800-668-2437

Australia: Sexual Health Helpline – 1800 451 624

India: National AIDS Helpline – 1097

Germany: AIDS-Hilfe – 0180 33 19411

France: Sida Info Service – 0 800 840 800

Japan: Japanese Foundation for AIDS Prevention – +81-3-5259-0256

Brazil: Disque Saúde – 136

CDC – Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)www.cdc.gov/std: Offers comprehensive information on STDs, prevention, and treatment options in the United States.

NHS – Sexual Healthwww.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health: Provides a wide range of resources for sexual health and STDs in the United Kingdom.

Sex & Uwww.sexandu.ca: Provides accurate, credible sexual health information for Canadians.

Sexual Health Australiawww.sexualhealthaustralia.com.au: Offers counseling services, workshops, and educational material in Australia.

National AIDS Control Organizationwww.naco.gov.in: Focuses on awareness, treatment, and preventive measures against AIDS and other STDs in India.

Deutsche AIDS-Hilfewww.aidshilfe.de: Offers counseling and diagnostic services in Germany.

Sida Info Servicewww.sida-info-service.org: Provides information, screening locations, and emotional support in France.

Japanese Foundation for AIDS Preventionwww.jfap.or.jp: Offers a variety of resources and information on HIV/AIDS in Japan.

Ministério da Saúde – ISTwww.aids.gov.br: Provides educational resources, prevention methods, and treatment options in Brazil.


Substance Abuse

United States: SAMHSA Helpline – 1-800-662-4357

United Kingdom: FRANK – 0300 123 6600

Canada: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction – 1-833-235-4048

Australia: Alcohol and Drug Foundation – 1300 85 85 84

India: National Toll-Free Drug De-addiction Helpline – 1800-11-0031

Germany: Sucht & Drogen Hotline – 01805 31 30 31

France: Drogues Info Service – 0 800 23 13 13

Japan: TELL Japan – 03-5774-0992

Brazil: VIDA Link – 0800 022 1192

Smart Recoverywww.smartrecovery.org: Offers a secular, non-AA approach to recovery with online meetings and resources.

Talk to Frankwww.talktofrank.com: Provides straightforward information about drugs and their effects, and advice on how to quit, for people in the UK.

Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addictionwww.ccsa.ca: Offers resources and publications aimed at reducing the harm of alcohol and other drugs on society.

Counselling Onlinewww.counsellingonline.org.au: Australian service offering free substance abuse counseling online 24/7.

Roshni Rehab Foundationwww.roshnirehabilitationcentre.com: Provides resources and treatment options in India.

Suchthilfezentrumwww.suchthilfezentrum.de: A German resource offering consultation, treatment, and therapeutic residential communities.

Drogues Info Servicewww.drogues-info-service.fr: French site offering professional advice and information on substance abuse.

Japan Anti-Drugs Associationwww.jada.or.jp: Offers various resources for drug education and prevention in Japan.

Alcoólicos Anônimoswww.alcoolicosanonimos.org.br: Provides resources and meeting locations for Alcoholics Anonymous in Brazil.


Suicide Hotlines and Crisis Centers

United States: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

United Kingdom: Samaritans – 116 123

Canada: Crisis Services Canada – 1-833-456-4566

Australia: Lifeline – 13 11 14

India: Vandrevala Foundation Helpline – +91 22 2771 4099/2771 4144

Germany: Telefonseelsorge – 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222

France: SOS Suicide – 01 45 39 40 00

Japan: Tokyo Mental Health – 03-5774-0992

Brazil: CVV – 188

IMAlivewww.imalive.org: An online crisis network with trained volunteers available for chat.

7 Cups of Teawww.7cups.com: Connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support.

Talkspacewww.talkspace.com: Offers online therapy with licensed therapists. Note that it’s a paid service.

BetterHelpwww.betterhelp.com: Provides access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists. It’s a paid service.

Mental Health Americawww.mhanational.org: Offers a variety of resources, including screening tools and information on affordable treatment options.


Unemployment and Job Loss

United States: Job Corps – 1-800-733-JOBS (5627)

United Kingdom: Jobcentre Plus – 0800 055 6688

Canada: Service Canada – 1-800-622-6232

Australia: Centrelink – 13 28 50

India: National Career Service – 1800-425-1514

Germany: Federal Employment Agency – 0800 4 5555 00

France: Pôle emploi – 3949

Japan: Hello Work – +81-3-3581-9621

Brazil: SINE (Sistema Nacional de Emprego) – 158

Job Corpswww.jobcorps.gov: Provides free education and vocational training for young people in the United States.

Jobcentre Pluswww.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus: Government resource in the United Kingdom for job seekers.

Service Canadawww.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei.html: Offers employment insurance and job loss support in Canada.

Centrelinkwww.servicesaustralia.gov.au: Provides financial assistance and services for the unemployed in Australia.

National Career Servicewww.ncs.gov.in: Provides career counseling and job listings in India.

Federal Employment Agencywww.arbeitsagentur.de: Provides job placement services and financial benefits in Germany.

Pôle emploiwww.pole-emploi.fr: French national agency offering employment services.

Hello Workwww.hellowork.go.jp: Japan’s public employment service center.

SINEwww.sine.com.br: Brazilian government agency for job placement.


Veteran Support

United States: Veterans Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)

United Kingdom: Combat Stress – 0800 138 1619

Canada: VETS Canada – 1-888-228-3871

Australia: Open Arms – 1800 011 046

India: Veterans India – +91-11-2567 4664

Germany: Bundeswehr Sozialwerk – 0228 5500-0

France: Terre Fraternité – 01 49 59 58 43

Japan: Japan Veterans Affairs Office – +81-3-3265-2211

Brazil: Ministério da Defesa – 0800-704-3738

Veterans Crisis Linewww.veteranscrisisline.net: Provides confidential help for veterans and their families in the United States.

Combat Stresswww.combatstress.org.uk: Offers mental health support services to veterans in the United Kingdom.

VETS Canadawww.vetscanada.org: Provides a range of support services, including crisis intervention and family support, in Canada.

Open Armswww.openarms.gov.au: Provides mental health support for current and ex-serving Australian Defense Force personnel.

Veterans Indiawww.veteransindia.org: Offers support for Indian military veterans including career transition assistance.

Bundeswehr Sozialwerkwww.bundeswehr-sozialwerk.de: Offers support for German soldiers and their families, including recreational activities and financial aid.

Terre Fraternitéwww.terrefraternite.fr: Provides social and medical aid for wounded soldiers, veterans, and their families in France.

Japan Veterans Affairs Officewww.vao.go.jp: Government body offering various forms of assistance to former members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces.

Ministério da Defesa – Veteran Supportwww.defesa.gov.br: Provides a range of support services to military veterans in Brazil.
