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Magickally Queer Weekend At Omega – June 2025

Embrace the power and community of otherness through magickal practices, rituals, and self-discovery in a weekend dedicated to LGBTQIA+ individuals.

This dynamic weekend retreat offers a sacred space for embracing your authentic self, exploring unique magickal gifts, and building connections with others on similar spiritual journeys.

Designed for LGBTQIA+ individuals seeking to deepen their connection to magick, spirituality, and community, we gather together to honor diverse spiritual paths, as we focus on empowerment, self-discovery, and collective magick.

Sessions include queer-centered rituals, energy work for healing, and tarot for personal growth. Discussions explore creating inclusive spiritual spaces and offering practical tools for daily life.

Beyond workshop sessions, the retreat provides time for personal rituals, journaling, and enjoying Omega’s natural surroundings. You are encouraged to connect through group meditations, discussions, and collaborative magickal practices.

Whether new to magick or experienced, this inclusive retreat has something valuable for everyone.

Event Details:
Date: Jun 13–15, 2025
Location: Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, New York

About Mat Auryn
Mat Auryn (he/him) is a renowned author and teacher in occultism and witchcraft, known for his award-winning books Psychic Witch, Mastering Magick, and The Psychic Art of Tarot. Drawing from diverse traditions such as Hermeticism, Wicca, and Jungian psychology, his works offer practical insights into psychic and magickal practices. A former professional psychic and tarot reader in Salem, Massachusetts, Mat also writes for Witches & Pagans magazine and has been featured in major publications such as Cosmo and the New York Times. He cohosts the podcast THE CIRCLE IS podCAST with actress Rachel True.

About Aly Kravetz
Aly Kravetz (she/her) aka BronxWitch, is a tarot reader, Reiki master, spiritual entrepreneur and the owner of BronxWitch HQ, a bookstore and work-share space for witches located in the Bronx, New York. Aly is the host of the BetterWitch podcast and curator of the HQ Online Portal where she and other experienced witches teach virtual classes on witchcraft, spirituality, and more. Aly also shares glimpses into her life as a working witch on her YouTube channel Beyond BronxWitch. Aly has been on her own magickal journey for more than two and a half decades and her passion and purpose is to help “baby” witches to become BETTER witches.

About Enfys J. Book
Enfys J. Book (they/them) is a nonbinary, bisexual clergy member within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, and the High Priest of the Fellowship of the Ancient White Stag coven near Washington, DC. Enfys has been studying Qabala since 2012 and teaching classes on magickal practice since 2015, including presenting at the Sacred Space Conference. They are the author of Queer Qabala and Queer Rites.

About Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (he/him) has been a witch since 1978 and is one of the founders and elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He is the anchor author for the new, 12-book Witch’s Sun Sign Series. Ivo is the author of The Four Elements of the Wise, Keys to Perception, Casting Sacred Space, Practical Astrology for Witches & Pagans, and Spirit Speak. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a metaphysical bookstore owner, and more. He is queer, poly, and lives in the woods of southern Delaware with his family of choice.

About Storm Faerywolf
Storm Faerywolf (he/him) is an author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, professional warlock, and a master teacher in several lineages of Reiki. He has studied and been initiated into various streams of practical witchcraft, most notably the Faery tradition, where he holds the Black Wand of a Master. He has a column in Horns Magazine and is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an online school of modern folkloric witchcraft. He has written several books, including The Satyr’s Kiss, Betwixt and Between, Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft, and The Stars Within the Earth. He is a proud queer poly man, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his loving partners.

About Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Founded in 1977, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is a nonprofit, mission-driven, and donor-supported educational organization. Located in Rhinebeck, New York, Omega offers workshops, retreats, and conferences in a variety of areas, including holistic health, spiritual development, and personal growth.

