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A Guide to Intuitive, Psychic, and Traditional Approaches to Tarot

A Guide to Intuitive, Psychic, and Traditional Approaches to Tarot

I often notice people using “intuitive” and “psychic” as if they’re the same, but to me, they’re completely distinct concepts. When someone talks about my “intuitive tarot” book, I usually explain, “It’s actually a little more involved than that.” I explain that, while my book starts with intuitive tarot, the main focus builds up to psychic tarot readings. This difference might seem subtle, but trust me, it’s like the difference between feeling a hunch and actually seeing or hearing things from beyond. Understanding the distinct approaches to tarot readings begins with grasping the three-soul model, which I explore in depth in my book Psychic Witch and delve deeper into in my follow-up, Mastering Magick. The easiest way to understand the three souls is through the common motif of “mind, body, and spirit,” relating to the “Middle Self, Lower Self, and Higher Self,” respectively. While the three souls encompass more than just these aspects of self, they provide a foundational framework for understanding the differences between intuition, psychic ability, and traditional interpretation of the cards.

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